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Good work =)

This game was pretty good! Keep up the good work!

good game 

Thanks for your job . This is amazing 🤩 

that was great, well done!

Really cool concept of a short horror game with a very creepy and tense atmosphere as you don't know what is behind you! Awesome job and looking forward to your future projects!

Very interesting psx horror game. 

(6 edits) (-1)

this is amazing . i love it keep going .

I needed more! it was good at the end so much tension! the build up! it screamed a last jump scare =D


This game was pretty awesome! I had a blast playing it. The part about the door being taken off the hinges as a punishment hit home—definitely brings back some memories 😂


Very interesting game . I really like the idea of doing homework while having to look behind me . I wish they had that more in the game . Still its a good little horror game!

I did not expect to see the things I've seen. Very good game

This was a lot of fun and very spooky! I gave more of my thoughts in the video!

Good horror game. 

Great creepy game

small great game ! 

porco dio fatevi leccare la ciola 

ITA: ciao a tutti ragazzi cazzi mazzi pazzi... questo gioco rispetto alla mia aspettativa iniziale non è male, lo scopo è fare i compiti e provare a non farsi stuprare da tuo padre (se vi succede picchiatelo fino alla morte), comunque il gioco in se è bello. detto questo vi auguro una giornata di merda (ovviamente si scherza, se potessi vi farei un ditalino a ciascuno).

CHIN: 你好伙计们,疯狂的鸡巴束...与我最初的预期相比,这款游戏还不错,目的是做好功课,尽量不要被你的父亲强奸(如果发生这种情况,你会把他打死),但是游戏本身很好。话虽如此,我祝你度过糟糕的一天(显然你在开玩笑,如果可以的话,我会互相指责你)。

ENG: hello guys crazy cocks bunches... This game compared to my initial expectation is not bad, the purpose is to do your homework and try not to be raped by your father (if it happens to you beat him to death), however the game itself is nice. That said, I wish you a shitty day (obviously you're joking, if I could I would finger you each).

Short kreepy shits..

this is my fear, i love that this game is short and non time consuming and its really good great game justcriten

Great creepy game justcriten! I enjoyed that atmosphere. I have this fear and always close the door behind me at my room.


It's a good game, the graphics are good and the horror vibes on it are also fantastic. I didn't expect the ending lol. Keep it up!

fun little game would enjoy a little more suspense but overall very fun

It's alright; however, I do have a problem with the ending, as it seems like it belongs to a completely different game. In fact, it felt like it was shoehorned in at the last second.

Deleted 230 days ago
Deleted 230 days ago

bugged out the first time i played, but its good anyway

I don't know how it happened. Sorry

Very good game

Oh, it was really scary maybe because I laughed at the protagonist who tried to sleep before finishing homeworkXd I love your game! Thank you!

Muchas gracias por compartir el juego, me ha gustado mucho, el argumento es muy bueno y que trates el tema de la parálisis del sueño está muy bien, aquí dejo el vídeo que he hecho en español, saludos!!!

Good game

Short but not bad at all! Made a video on it.

good game

Nice game. The objective is also clear but i got stuck in the chair and had to restart the game. Looking forward to your next project... :)

I'll fix it now, sorry :)


Buen juego me gusto mucho y los gráficos de este estilo me flipan gran trabajo aquí tienes mi video en español

This was an awesome game my dude! Very fun little story, the mechanics were solid I always love little immersive touches. Very fun having the sleep paralysis demon bothering while trying to finish the damn work! The ending was super cool, dark but awesome! I recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everyone :)

Thanks for playing :)


The vibe of the game was very nice, those who are interested in no commentary gameplay can watch the video

Thanks for playing :)

I'm waiting for your new games, good job

Good game!

Thanks for playing :)

Nice this was really good game I like it anyway well done keep it up!

Thanks for playing :)

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